Our purpose

Vision & results

An impact driven approach to talent and self-esteem

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MobileSchool.org is a hybrid organisation that uses its experience with complex and competitive street communities to increase the sustainable development of youth and business communities. With game-changing educational tools for youth workers and high-impact learning products for businesses, we strive to create a 360° impact on society and vulnerable young people worldwide.

[[en]]Who we are [[fr]]Qui nous sommes [[es]]¿Quiénes somos?[[pt]]Quem nós somos [[nl]]Wie we zijn

[[en]]Mobile School valorises the talents and survival skills of street-connected children in 28 countries worldwide. We have been doing that for more than 20 years now. Our pioneering outreach strategy shifts the youngsters’ attitudes away from assistance to empowerment. [[fr]]Mobile School valorise les talents et les compétences de survie des enfants des rues de 28 pays à travers le monde et ce depuis plus de 20 ans. Notre stratégie novatrice du travail de proximité permet de faire passer les jeunes de l’assistance à l’autonomisation. [[es]]Mobile School valora los talentos y las destrezas de supervivencia de los niños de la calle en 28 países del mundo. Venimos haciéndolo desde hace más de 20 años. Nuestra estrategia de divulgación pionera genera un giro positivo en las actitudes de los jóvenes, pasando de la asistencia al empoderamiento. [[pt]]A Mobile School valoriza os talentos e capacidades de sobrevivência das crianças em situação de rua em 28 países de todo o mundo. Fazemos isso há mais de 20 anos. Nossa estratégia de proximidade pioneira movimenta atitudes dos jovens para longe da assistência ao empoderamento. [[nl]]Mobile School waardeert de talenten en overlevingsvaardigheden van straatkinderen in 28 landen wereldwijd. Dat doen we nu al meer dan 20 jaar. Met onze baanbrekende outreach aanpak brengen we een positieve verandering teweeg in de houding van de jongeren, van hulpbehoevend naar geëmpowerd.

[[en]]Inspired by the many extraordinary youngsters Mobile School works with, our hybrid partner StreetwiZe has developed its impact driven approach to talent and leadership growth. They have decoded street savviness to answer learning demands in a business context. [[fr]]Inspiré par les nombreux jeunes extraordinaires avec lesquels travaille Mobile School, notre partenaire hybride StreetwiZe a développé une approche du développement des talents et du leadership axée sur l'impact. Ils ont décodé la culture de la rue pour répondre aux demandes d’apprentissage dans un contexte commercial. [[es]]Inspirado por los numerosos jóvenes extraordinarios con los que trabaja Mobile School, nuestro socio híbrido StreetwiZe ha desarrollado su enfoque de impacto orientado al talento y al crecimiento del liderazgo. Ha logrado descifrar el conocimiento de la calle para responder a las necesidades de aprendizaje en un contexto empresarial. [[pt]]Inspirado pelos muitos jovens extraordinários com que a Mobile School trabalha, nosso parceiro híbrido, StreetwiZe, desenvolveu sua abordagem orientada ao impacto para o crescimento de talentos e liderança. Eles decodificaram a noção de rua para responder às necessidades de aprendizagem em um contexto de negócios. [[nl]]Geïnspireerd door de vele buitengewone jongeren waarmee Mobile School samenwerkt, heeft onze hybride partner StreetwiZe zijn impactgedreven benadering van talent- en leiderschapsgroei ontwikkeld. Straatattitudes werden gedecodeerd en vertaald naar een zakelijke context.

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StreetwiZe develops high impact learning products for companies, inspired by the complex and competitive reality of street communities. With a unique combination of academic research, business insights and straight-forward street savviness, we support businesses and their employees to deal with change, develop leadership and foster-well-being. All StreetwiZe profits are reinvested in MobileSchool.org to guarantee a 360° positive impact on trainees, businesses and society.

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StreetSmart develops game-changing tools to youth workers to enable them to unlock the potential of young people worldwide. With our integrated on- and offline offer, we invest in an opportunity-oriented methodology to maximise personal development of youngsters growing up without a safe and caretaking environment.

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Arnoud explains

Watch our founder, Arnoud Raskin, explain the hybrid structure of our organisation.