1. Around the world
Save the Children was founded in 1919, in the wake of World War I and soon became the first global movement for children. It is a global membership organisation, made up of Save the Children International and 30 national members, working in around 177 countries. They focus on health, education, protection, gender equality, emergency response and policy and advocacy. Find out more about their work across the world by clicking the map.
2. We go way back
Save the Children Iasi – or Salvati Copiii Iasi in Romanian - is our “oldest” European Mobile School partner. They started up their mobile school project in 2006. The past 14 years, the team has been organising several outreach interventions per week to impact children and youngsters of disadvantages communities in Iasi and in the region around the city.
3. Boost up
Although some team members have a ton of mobile school experience, the past two years many new members joined the team. We therefore organised a one-week follow-up training last year. During the training week, the team evaluated their mobile school project and came up with a concrete action plan to increase their impact on the streets even more. They also learned new ways of creatively working with and around the mobile school. After the follow-up training, the team was reenergised and ready to hit the streets with new creative games!

4. Immersion
Our business venture and hybrid partner StreetwiZe makes business people street savvy by giving workshops on different street skills. In addition to these workshops, StreewiZe organizes immersion programmes, in Belgium and in Romania. These immersed training experiences take people out of their comfort zone and secure deep learning. In Iasi, business people accompany the local team during a mobile school session and, in doing so, are immersed in street reality firsthand. From their expertise, they then develop educational games for the mobile school and test them out on the streets. Impact guaranteed!
5. StreetSmarts
Salvati Copiii Iasi has been an active partner in the development of our StreetSmart technology. They were involved in conceptually designing our StreetSmart Play platform and the StreetSmart Impact app.
6. School is Cool
The local team runs different programmes. One of their biggest projects right now is focused on preventing school drop-out in disadvantaged communities. They want to reach this goal by promoting equal access to quality education, by improving and diversifying educational services and by developing professional skills among local teachers.
7. International Learnings
In February, Andrei Crāciun – Salvati Copiii Iasi’ mobile school coordinator - co-facilitated the start-up of a brand new mobile school project in Sri Lanka with partner organisation Child Action Lanka. He was able to share his vast outreach experience with the local team of street educators and, in turn, was inspired by their way of working.
Know more?
Want to know more about the incredible work of Salvati Copiii Iasi? Check out their website or social media pages.
- Twitter: @SalvatiCopiiiIs
- Facebook: @SalvatiCopiiiIasi
- Instagram: @salvaticopiii_iasi